I have been using Triton lately using this awesome guide SmartOS Coal on Linux
The only gotchas I found are the following:
- https://github.com/joyent/node-triton/issues/71 Need to add insecure to your profile on the triton cli https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/api/triton-cli to be able to provision After installation execute :
$ sdcadm post-setup cloudapi
$ sdcadm post-setup dev-headnode-prov
Per the docs to be able to provision on the head node (https://github.com/joyent/triton/blob/master/docs/developer-guide/coal-setup.md) the json script on the install points to /usr/bin/node and in my triton install node exists in /usr/node/bin/node changing that script made sdcadm healthcheck work. Execute
sdcadm post-setup common-external-nics
Create a custom package to provision vms https://docs.joyent.com/private-cloud/install/advanced-configuration
docker setup :
sdcadm post-setup docker
sdcadm experimental update dockerlogger
sdcadm post-setup dev-sample-data
- Install triton-docker cli and triton profile docker-setup triton-docker –tls ps works
- Enable cns so triton-cns docker compose start working (https://docs.joyent.com/private-cloud/install/cns)
- Set dns https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/network/cns/faq sdc-login cns , get the zone uuid, then get the zone ip address and point your resolvers to that ip to resolve the containers names.
- Disable booting from pxe : sdc-usbkey set-variable ipxe false
- Add an sdd physical drive to the vm add storage an in custom the path from /dev/disk/by-id and virtio driver https://ckirbach.wordpress.com/2017/07/25/how-to-add-a-physical-device-or-physical-partition-as-virtual-hard-disk-under-virt-manager/